To improve the water and sanitation systems in 579 rural communities currently not connected to the existing water utilities. Specifically, to develop a concept to improve different small-scale water and sanitation systems in rural areas by including them technically, if reasonable, but at least institutionally and legally into the existing and/or future water sector structures. The institutional, legal, environmental and technical solutions elaborated within the feasibility study shall serve as a menu of alternatives from which the preferred option can be selected, based on the specific environmental, economic and social situation in the villages.
Phases of engineering consulting services
- Phase 1. Inception Phase; assessment of the technical state of the existing water supply and sanitation systems
- Phase 2. Development of an Institutional Strategy for the rural and semi-urban communities and Institutional Workshop
- Phase 3. Establishment of a GIS-based Data Bank for the rural and/or semi-urban communities
- Phase 4. Description and review of available technologies on low cost/low energy and simple maintenance facilities for rural areas
- Phase 5. Elaboration of a long and short-term phased Strategy, Action and Investment Plan based on the institutional strategies and the application of (non) conventional technologies, including awareness raising/ capacity building measures
- Phase 6. Elaboration of a Project Investment, Financing and Affordability Concept; and a Project Planning Workshop
- Phase 7. Presentation of Guidelines for planning, design (typical solutions), operation and maintenance of proposed (non) conventional technologies
- Phase 8. Preliminary Design for Pilot Projects
Rendered engineering consulting services
- Investigation
- Preparation of GIS-based data bank
- Implementation of feasibility study
- Institutional advice and capacity development
- Drafting and proposal of legal regulations
- Elaboration of the strategy and the investment plan
- Preparation of preliminary design for pilot projects, etc